Amesbury Notices - 31 May 2021

By: John Murrihy | Posted Sunday May 30, 2021

What's on?

  • Board of Trustees Meeting - 5.30pm Wednesday 2 June
  • Junior Invitational Cross Country (Years 1-3) Thursday 3 June
  • School Closed - Staff Only Day - Friday 4 June
  • School Closed - Queen's Birthday - Monday 7 June

School Closed Friday - 4 June

As part of the Primary Teachers Collective Agreement, schools can use 8 days across three years (2020-2022) as teacher-only days for professional development, without extending the school year. One of these days will be on June 4th.

For this staff only day, Amesbury School will be closed for instruction on Friday 4th June. Staff will be attending professional development sessions onsite during this day. Children are not to come to school on this day.

Kelly Club Out of School Care will not be running a one day programme at Amesbury School on this day, due to lack of sufficient interest. There will be a Kelly Club Out of School Care programme running at Island Bay School on the same day, if any parents are interested. Please contact Kelly Club if you would like to know more:

Sausage Sizzle

This week, on Thursday 3rd June we will hold our annual Junior Invitational Cross Country event for our year 1-3 students. More information has been sent to participating whānau.

Following the event, we will hold a sausage sizzle - at morning tea time. We invite you to order sausages for your child(ren) through our school Kindo shop. Sausages will cost $2. We ask that you have your order completed by 2pm on Monday 31st May. As the sausage sizzle will be held at morning tea time, we ask you to ensure that your child(ren) also have their own lunch for the day.

The money raised will go towards our camps at the end of the year. We need some parent support on the BBQ from 10am until approximately noon. If you are able to help for some or all of the time, please email

Term 2 Disco - Thursday 24 June

The school will be holding a disco - in two separate age groups - for all students on Thursday 24 June.

Kalesha, as the organiser, has provided all the information in this article. After reading it, if you have any other questions please feel to contact Kalesha

Contact information

Please email Rachel at if you move address, change contact numbers or would like to update the emergency contacts that you have listed for your child/ren. 

Remember that only authorised people (those listed on a student's record, as primary and/or emergency contacts) are permitted to collect students from school in the event of an emergency evacuation/pickup.

Wet weather clothing backup

With winter on it's way, so are the puddles and mud. Please pack a spare set of shorts/track pants/leggings, and underpants in the school bag (for all ages) with a plastic bag to put the wet clothes in, and let your child know that they are there for them to get changed into. For some children it can be quite embarrassing or upsetting when they unexpectedly become wet or dirty (particularly if there isn't anything for them to change into) or they don't like what is available. We have limited space to hold a selection of spares so are not always able to cater for all 'requests' and sizes (particularly size 8 plus).

Lunch Orders

LunchOnline: Please check the Hub you have listed for your child/ren's lunch online account, as these are not automatically updated each year. This makes it easier for us to sort orders and have ready for student's to collect at lunch time.

No Lunch orders on Friday 4th June (Teacher Only Day)

Chia Sushi: We're trialling sushi this term. Linked menu. Soy Sauce is free of charge but you will need to select it, as it is not automatically included with orders (as many children don't like it).


If selecting the option that your child 'will be late today', please include additional information/reason e.g. dental/doctor appointment, and the approximate time you are expecting them to arrive at school.


Some students seem to be wearing fleeces that have someone else's name in them when they can't find theirs. Please check and refresh the names on fleeces so they can be easily read. Any that have mistakenly been worn home can be returned to the office to be reunited with their owner.

Lost and Found

There is a large collection of unnamed long sleeve black tops, Amesbury beanies, socks (paired and single), containers and water bottles in the office lost property. Legibly named items are returned to the student, not kept at the office. Has your child lost some money at school? Please contact Rachel at the office.

Second hand uniform available

  • Turquoise Polo shirt (size 8) $20
  • Gold Polo shirt (size 8) $20
  • Red Polo shirt (size 8) $20
  • Green Polo shirt (size 8) $20
  • Sports top (size 10) $30

All in very good condition.

Email Sophia at:

Available - from the school office:

  • Size 12 fleeces 
  • clearance sale on marked/stained polo tops (sizes 4-8) $5 

Community Notices

Experience Day at Whitby Collegiate

Experience what life is like at Whitby Collegiate at Experience Day where your child will spend a day in class with our friendly staff & students. 

  • Dates: Friday 25 June or Friday 2 July
  • Time: 8:45am - 3:15pm

If you're interested in your child attending on either of the available dates, please register on our website here or give us a call on 04 234 1070.

If you would like to tour our school, please register your interest here or telephone the above number. We’d be delighted to show you our school and tell you more in person.

2022 Scholarships are available. To find out more, please visit our website here.

Image by: John Murrihy

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