Amesbury Notices - 11 Hepetema (September) 2023

By: John Murrihy | Posted Sunday September 10, 2023

What's on this week?

  • Māori Language Week - 11-17 September
  • 4-year-old Programme - 2-2.45pm Monday 11 September
  • Futsal Festival - Wednesday 13 September
  • Co-curricular lessons - Wednesday 13 & Friday 15 September
  • InterZone Swimming - Thursday 14 September
  • Road Patrol Parade - 9.30am-noon Friday 15 September
  • Amesbury Speech Competition Finals - 2-3pm Friday 15 September
  • Scholastic's Book Club - Closes Friday 15 September
  • Celebrating our Ākonga - Closes Friday 15 September
  • St Brigid's Kapa Haka Festival @ Rāroa Intermediate School Hall - 9.30am-3.30pm Saturday 16 September

Futsal Festival - This Wednesday (13 September)

All the best to our 24 ākonga as they head off to Ākau Tangi Sports Centre in Kilbirnie on Wednesday to represent Amesbury at the annual Futsal Festival.

Please have a read through of Eilís' notice around the event so that the tamariki around arrive at school in time and know where to meet up.

Road Patrol Parade - This Friday (15 September)

This is a day to recognise the efforts of our road patrollers who have kept everyone safe while crossing the road each and every day. We thank you for your commitment

Our ākonga who have been involved this year will join with their counterparts from all the other schools in Wellington on Friday 15 September at 9.30am at Civic Square and march to Parliament where there will be an awards ceremony. 

Everyone, especially their whānau, are invited to join them if you have the time to do so.

Amesbury Speech Competition Finals - This Friday @ 2pm

Don't forget to come along and join us for the finals of the Amesbury Speech Competition this coming Friday (15 September).

The quality of the heats was great - expect the finalists to take it to another level.

Scholastic's Book Club - Closes this Friday (15 September)

Issue 5 is now out, so have a look through and pick up something special.

To find out how ordering, payment and delivery works read through Kirat's article.

Closing date is Friday the 15th September 2023.

Celebrating our Ākonga - Closes this Friday (15 September)

Kirat is compiling a list of out-of-school achievements that have occurred over the last few months and she would like for you to provide her with this information so that we can share it with the Amesbury Community.

If you and your tamariki have something that they would like to share, preferably with some photos, please email with the information by 15th September 2023.

Student Conferences - Please book now

We have of Term 3 Student Conferences coming up in the last week of this term. The conferences are intended to include parents/caregivers, tamariki and kaiako (teachers).

If you haven't already done so, please read this information and book in a convenient time.

Annual Athletics Days

Two dates to note in your calendar:

  • Senior Athletics Day (Y3-6) @ Nairnville Park, Khandallah on Tuesday 17 October
  • Junior Athletics Day (Y0-2) @ Amesbury on Tuesday 31 October

Please note the new venue for the Senior Athletics Day which provides us with the opportunity to have more events.

For all of the details please read Eilís' notice.

As always if you are available to help out on the day, please email Eilís

Beach Education - Term 4

Just an early notification that our Beach Education Days for this year will take place in early December.

Safety around water is essential and our tamariki will spend the day at the beach participating in interactive activities both in and out of the water.

Obviously, our paramount concern is that our tamariki remain safe while they themselves learn about water safety. To this end we need a large number of adults to achieve this - the ratio is 1 to 5. If you can help out please contact Eilís ( and offer your assistance.

The dates and preliminary information can be found here. As we get nearer to the Beach Ed days we will ask you to complete a consent form for your tamariki.

Annual Book Fair in Term 4, Week 5

Our Annual Book Fair is taking place in Term 4, and also coincide with our Cultural Festival, which enables extended hours giving everyone a more relaxing opportunity to browse though the vast selection of books.

In her Book Fair information article, Kirat has provided details on what is happening together with all the operating times times. Of course, to ensure that everything runs smoothly, she is looking for volunteers to assist. No special abilities required, simply a willingness to give up some of you time. If you can help please email Kirat ( and let her know.

Harakeke's Budding Historians for the Day

An exciting and informative day out at Wellington Museum and Te Papa for our Harakeke tamariki as they went on their trip into the city last week as part of this term's Inquiry.

Read all about the day's events here which includes lots of photos of the adventure.

Pōhutukawa's Exciting Journey into Filmmaking at Capital E

What an amazing opportunity for our Pōhutukawa ākonga - to create a 10 minute video just like the professionals do. I'm sure that a number will be telling their whānau what they intend to do later in life!

Please read here for the take on this marvellous day - with heaps of photos to see what you missed.

Celebrating Capital E

Another group of Pōhutukawa ākonga revelled in their film making experience as can be seen in Gar Kee's account of their day out at Capital E with plenty of photos and videos included.

Pōhutukawa's Remarkable Journey

Our Pōhutukawa ākonga have enjoyed their midterm move into their amazing new Hub and have quickly made it their own.

If you wish to read about their journey this term and see the photos which tell their own stories please read Oniatta's thoughts.

Term 3 Disco Success

To paraphrase, "All the fun of the disco!"

It was a great night out for all involved. The tamariki loved it, the adults had a great time and $1400 was raised for this year's school camp.

For a quick review of the night, including photos, see here.

St Brigid's Kapa Haka Festival Saturday 16th September at Rāroa Intermediate School

  • All performances are being done in brackets of four schools at a time
  • People are asked not to enter or leave the hall during a bracket; transitions in and out of the hall will be done between each bracket
  • To allow fire regulations to be adhered to, whānau and friends are asked to please only attend and stay in the hall for the bracket that includes their tamariki. Please do not stay in the hall for other brackets. This allows us to enough room in the hall for friends and whānau of the schools performing without crowding the hall too much.
  • Amesbury's bracket is from 12:30 - 1:35. Come along and support our amazing kapa haka group!

Come along and see the Amesbury Performance Kapa Haka group perform.

Image by: John Murrihy

Churton Park Community Association Clean Up Day - 16th September

This is the same day as our St Brigid's Kapa Haka Festival. Students not involved in the festival are encouraged to participate in the clean up day. The main areas to be covered are:

  • Lakewood Reserve
  • Churton Park Reserve

The event will run from 10am-3pm but come along for whatever period you can.

Next term is a sunhat term 

Students are required to wear a named Amesbury School sunhat when outside during Term 4 - this includes during all breaks and while outside during school time. 

Sunhats are $15.00 and can be purchased via Kindo - the online school shop. Please order in advance so there's time to collect and clearly label before the term starts.

Kelly Club

This coming week at Kelly Club is Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori and we are so excited to celebrate the beautiful and amazing language as well as celebrating te Ao Māori! 

We are going to have so much fun playing games such as Haka Moa and Mahi Whai! We will also be crafting Matariki Whetū and of course will have our baking day! 

Book in through this link to join in the fun!

Take a look at all of the awesome activities and trip days we have lined up for holidays! Book in though this link to secure your child a spot for an epic holidays!

Image by: John Murrihy

Community Notices

Meet the Ōhāriu Electoral Candidates - Wednesday 20th September

  • Public Meeting
  • 7.30pm to 9.30pm (Doors open at 7pm)
  • Johnsonville Community Centre, Main Hall
  • Hosted by the Johnsonville Community Association

Olympic Harriers and Athletics Club 

The club is having an open date on Saturday 16 September, 2 - 3:30pm at Waiora Hub, Alex Moore Park. Come along and try one of our clinics - it’s a great opportunity to get some coaching before school athletics next term. 

More details at or email

Image by: John Murrihy

Spring Mountain Bike Series

Image by: John Murrihy

Learn to Sail

Image by: John Murrihy

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