Amesbury Notices - 9 December 2024
Actions Needed:
Pick up tamariki @ 1pm on Friday (13 December)
Non uniform day & water play - dress accordingly including a hat (Thursday 12 December)
Touch Rugby Registrations
Please return all library books & readers
What's on this week?
Transition Days - Monday 9 - Wednesday 11 December
Year 6 Graduation Dinner (Amesbury Hall) - 5.30-8pm Monday 9 December
Year 6 transition trip into town - Tuesday 10 December
Non Uniform Day (including water play) - Thursday 12 December
Farewell Celebration (Hall) - 9.30-10am Friday 13 December
School Sausage Sizzle/Picnic - 11.30am-1pm Friday 13 December
School Closes - 1pm Friday 13 December
This Week's Programme of Events
Find out what's happening this at school this week - there are things happening each day.
Particularly note:
Thursday (12 December) as it is a non uniform day and has a component of water play
Friday with school finishing at 1pm
Year 6 Transition Trip into Town
After their farewell dinner on Monday night (9 December), the Year 6s will head into the city centre the following day.
This article describes what the Year 6s will be doing and what they need to bring to school to take on the trip with them.
Hub structure and organisation for 2025
Urs has prepared an article which shows the Hub structure for 2025 together with kaiako (teacher) roles.
Also covered is the plan for a 15 minute connection hui (meeting) with your child's whānau teacher on the day before school starts (Monday 27 January). Next week, we will send an invitation to you for these connection hui, and explain how to book.
Last Monday was the reciting of poems written by our tamariki who had entered the Poetry Competition.
Not surprisingly there was a wide range of topics and approaches. Out of all this Maneesha, our guest judge, had to determine the place-getters which she did with much thought and deliberation. The place-getters are ... to be found in this article.
Shaking hands with Churtonleigh Hospital
A number of our tamariki visited Churtonleigh Hospital.
While they put a great deal of preparation into a programme for the residents which provided great entertainment, it was not simply a one way experience. Apart from enthusiastically joining in, the residents also imparted their own experiences which encapsulated the visiting tamariki.
To find out in more detail about the visit preparation as well as the encounter, please read it here.
What a wide variety of fun (and educational) activities were part of the Year 0-2 camp week - ranging from encountering sea creatures to going to a drive-in movie.
Have a read for yourself and view the wide array of photos that accompany each activity.
Touch Rugby - Play in Term 1 2025 - Register now
While it may seem a long way away, Rupert is trying to gets the teams as sorted as possible before the end of this school year because Registrations close at the end of the short first week of Term 1 next year with the competition starting soon after.
School Library Closed for the Year
The School Library has closed for the year, however, Kirat is still accepting any books and readers that may have popped up at home.
Please help us reunite lost uniform items before the end of the year by checking that fleeces, hoodies and sun hats at home have your child's name in them and not someone else's - any mistakenly worn home can be returned to the office so they are returned directly to their owner.
Lost and Found
There are 2 unnamed Amesbury hoodies, and a huge pile of non-uniform lost property items at the office (if you're brave enough to rummage through it) - ask Rachel, as they're being held in the office until the 13th December. All un-claimed, non-uniform items will be donated, and uniform items not named clothing will be added to the second hand range.
Returning in 2025
Please let the office know as soon as possible, of any holiday absence extending into Term 1, 2025 (First day of the 2025 school year is Tuesday 28 January).
Drama Remedy - Christmas Holiday Programme
Kelly Club
Get into the festive spirit with a week full of holiday magic! Bake and decorate delicious Christmas cookies, craft charming Christmas characters, and create your own flying reindeer. Plus, enjoy loads of cheerful holiday games with friends.
Kelly Club Holiday Programmes
Kelly Club have also finalised their Holiday Programme activities:
Pre Christmas Holiday Programme - December 2024 Holiday Programme - January 2025 (1st half)
Holiday Programme - January 2025 (2nd half)
Community Notices
Churton Park Christmas Carols - Saturday 7 December
Please note the date for the Churton Park Christmas Carols in your calendar - Saturday 7 December from 6-7pm at Churton Park School.
Christmas in the Quarters
7 December - there will be circus acts and street busking under the sails at Queens Wharf
14 December - be at Waitangi Park on for Santa’s arrival, to meet Santa, and for a fun range of Christmas activities
For all the details, visit the webpage.