Junior invitational cross country - Y1-3
The junior invitational cross country is taking place here at Amesbury School on Friday, 8th June, 9.30-11am. We're having a sausage sizzle fundraiser at morning tea. This will not affect lunch orders and you should provide lunch for your child as usual.
Sausages need to be pre-ordered through the online shop, we will not be taking orders on the day - select the "Sausage Sizzle" option from the home page in the shop - cost is $2. Orders will close at 4:00pm on Thursday 07 June.
We require parent help to run the sausage sizzle and would be grateful to hear from you. Please email gail@amesbury.school.nz if you are available to help out.
Matariki Breakfast - Friday 15th June 6-8.30am
Have you diaried next Friday 15th for an early morning breakfast and star gazing with your children? This will be a fantastic opportunity for school families to join together for a great experience. Please read this article for details and itinerary.
Marsden School Year 7 Information Evening
Samuel Marsden Collegiate School is holding their Year 7 Information Evening on Wednesday 20 June at 7pm, Marsden School, Marsden Ave, Karori. This is for students and families considering a Year 7 Marsdeneducation in 2019. The evening will cover Year 7/8 programmes, activities and day to day life at Marsden. Staff and students will be able to answer questions and this is a good opportunity to catch up with other parents. To register please visit marsden.school.nz/experience
Culture Survey
If you haven't yet had a chance to fill out the Culture Survey, please use this link here. We are grateful for your feedback.
Headlice are doing the rounds again. Please see our article here and check your child.
Scholastic Book Club orders close on Monday, 11 June. Please don't send money to school, please submit your order and pay online at www.scholastic.co.nz/loop.
Year 6 visit to Newlands Intermediate is coming up on Thursday 14 June (Week 7). Parents of Year 6 students have been sent an email with information regarding this visit.