Actions Needed:
RSVP to Structured Literacy Parent Session - session 9 September
Send gear for Pōhutukawa Swimming - Thursday 12 September
Onesie Day - Friday 13 September
Send in whānau kai ideas and recipes for Whānau Kai Compendium
Link your New World club card to the school by adding your Club Card number to this form
Please ensure that your tamariki are properly in their seat belts before leaving the pick up area
What's on this week?
Four-Year-Old Programme - 2-2.45pm Monday 9 September
Kapa Haka - Monday 9 September
Structured Literacy Parent Session - 6-7pm Monday 9 September
Futsal Festival (Y1&2, Y3&4) - Tuesday 10 September
Co-curricular lessons - Wednesday 11 & Friday 13 September
Futsal Festival (Y3&4, Y5&6) - Wednesday 11 September
Pōhutukawa Swimming Lessons - Thursday 12 September
Amesbury Speech Competition Finals - 2pm Friday 13 September
Share and Celebrate - 2pm Friday 13 September
St. Brigid's Kapa Haka Festival - Saturday 14 September
Structured Literacy Parent Session - This Monday
This Monday (9th September) commencing at 6pm in the school hall we have Kerri Satherley, from Massey University, facilitating a session for parents on structured literacy.
For the background of structured literacy and also what is planned to be covered in the session please she the Structured Literacy article that Urs has compiled.
If you haven't already registered, it's not too late. Please complete this short RSVP form, so we have an idea of numbers for the session.
Onesie Day - This Friday
Onesie Day is on Friday (13 September).
The purpose of Onesie Day is fundraising for Wellington Free Ambulance so please donate online at
Come to school dressed in your Onesie. There will various activities including a Onesie Parade.
Speech Competition Finals - This Friday
The finalists have been decided, so we all are eagerly awaiting the performances in the finals which are being held on Friday (13 September) commencing at 2pm.
If you are available, please feel free to come along and support all of our finalists who have put in a lot of work writing, practising, and presenting their speeches.
New World fundraising off to a flying start
A big thank you to all of the Amesbury whānau who have linked their New World Club card to Amesbury School. In the three months that the partnership with Churton Park New World has been in place, the school has received over $1,000.
This has enabled the school to purchase our own school Kī-o-Rahi sports kit. Our next wish list item is a set of durable soft play and balance equipment to be set up on the blue matting area in Koru Hub.
If you haven't yet linked your New World card to Amesbury, please do so by adding your number to this form. It costs you nothing and you lose no existing benefits, but it does help the school enormously.
Netball: Season Reports
The netball season has now finished and each of the coaches (Komal, Sarah & Luisa) of the three teams are excited to deliver their views on their teams - not just the results but the progress and sportsmanship demonstrated by each of the teams.
Please read their season summaries here.
Kapa Haka Festival
The annual St. Brigid's Kapa Haka Festival will take place on Saturday 14 September and, as always, Amesbury is sending a group who will be performing in the block commencing at 10.45am.
Please come along and support our tamariki, but you are also welcome to stay for the entire day or any other time that you wish.
Pizza Packing Volunteers
Rachel is looking for some additional helpers to pack pizzas for lunches on Thursdays. Please read here for the details and if you are able to help out please see Rachel (in the office) or email her (
Contact information
Need to contact us or want to know if we're trying to contact you? Here are the school's numbers to store in your mobile phone contacts 04 477 3423 and 021 86 55 28. If you have recently changed contact details, please email
Absence from school
The office is to be advised of all absences, before 9am by;
Report an Absence on Hero (school app) - preferred option for daily absence
Email: - preferred option for future or extended absence
Text: 021 86 55 28
Phone: 04 477 3423 and leave a message
For absences of 5 days or more from school due to holiday or travel during term time, parents are required to contact the Principal in writing. For planned trips, this should be well in advance of the holiday/time away from school.
If a student is still unwell and absent from school for 5 consecutive days due to medical reasons, we ask for a medical certificate from a health professional be provided (including the date seen, confirming the days unfit for school and estimated return date).
Uniform Check
A reminder that lower half uniform and long sleeved tops worn under polos must be plain black (not pink, navy, grey or patterned). Please check that fleeces and hoodies at home have your child's name in them - any mistakenly worn home can be returned to the office.
Missing a hoodie? There is an unnamed Amesbury hoodie at the office - ask Rachel, as it's not in the reception lost property bin.
This coming week the kids take the lead! We’ll be baking delicious brownies, making fun slime, watching a movie, crafting our own guitars, and playing a game of four square. It’s going to be a week full of creativity, fun, and kid-approved activities! Let’s get ready for an awesome time!
Kelly Club Holiday Programme
Kelly Sports Holiday Programmes
For children aged 5-12 years
Perfect for "Beginner's" and those just wanting to have fun. Come along and improve technique, knowledge and skills. We will focus on the core skills of control, dribbling, passing, tackling and shooting but MOST importantly having as much FUN as possible!
Years 1-4 - For Beginners, these sessions will work on improving basic netball skills and help start to develop technical and tactical knowledge in accordance with the Future Ferns Programme. Children will work towards the following skills Passing, Shooting, Spatial Awareness and Defensive Skills.
Years 5-8 - These sessions will work on sharpening the basic skills - Passing and Shooting and we will start to develop a better understanding of the 7-aside game and the different positional roles. We will use fun drills and games to develop and challenge young players focusing on the key skill areas for their level of development while also have fun!!.
To enrol go to
Kelly Sports Summer Series
Northbase Church Basketball Tournament - Free Entry
NorthBase Church Family Fun Day - Free
Onslow College Rowing Club Book Fair
Mountain Biking