Each year we put on an evening with an acclaimed speaker for our school community. This year, Karen Boyes, a well known educator and speaker in New Zealand and internationally, will bring her presentation for parents which is entitled: "Future-Proofing Your Child". To make this evening enjoyable for you, we will provide food and child-care, though we are not able to fully assist with babies (sorry!). However, babies are welcome in the presentation.
Please put this on your calendar. You will have nothing to do other than to pack up the family and come to school! The detail are as follows.5.30pm - Drop your children off in Koru Hub with Kelly Sport who will feed and entertain them5.30pm onwards - Refreshments in the hall for adults6.00pm - Creche facilities available6.00pm - Karen Boyes' presentation7.15 - 7.30pm - Home timeFeel free to invite you friends and family.
Food, childcare and an engaging event will be provided.Nothing to do other than to pack up the family and come to school!5.30pm - Drop your children off in Koru Hub with Kelly Sport who will feed and entertain them5.30pm onwards - Refreshments in the hall for adults6.00pm - Creche available6.00pm - Karen Boyes presentation7.15 - 7.30pm - Home timeFeel free to invite you friends and family.
Future Proofing Your Child
In a busy, fast paced, changing world where change is the only constant and knowledge is easily accessible, the concern bubbling up is how to ensure your child is truly prepared for the real world. The 21st century skills are very different skills from when we were at school. Many are just common sense, however this is not quite so common." In her inimitable style Karen Boyes will engage and entertain you as she delivers a highly informative presentation for parents.
"An expert in effective teaching and learning, study skills, motivation and positive thinking, Karen has the rare ability to draw her audience in and keep them enthralled. She is both informative and entertaining, as she passes on her practical solutions for learning."