School Notices - 24 August 2020

By: John Murrihy | Posted Sunday August 23, 2020

What's on?

Student Conferences for Term 3

Bookings for our student conferences that will be running at the end of this term are now open.

Please follow the link in the email sent out on 20 August for more information about the conferences and how to book.

Scholastic Books Club

Don't forget that Term 3, 2020 of Scholastic's Book Club is now available for online ordering.

Please do the ordering by visiting the website at - no need to fill in the paper order form and please do not return anything to school. Everything can be done online.

Ordering will be open until Monday 31st August 2020 and books will be sent to school.

Community Notices

Churton Park Community Centre Newsletter

If you haven't already come across it please check out the latest Churton Park Community Centre Newsletter to see what's happening in Churton Park.

Samuel Marsden Collegiate School - Year 7, 2021

Year 6 girls considering a Marsden education in Year 7 in 2021 are invited to attend the Marsden Year 7 Experience Day on Wednesday 26 August. This is an opportunity to meet current and new students, join in with activities and experience some Year 7 subjects. 

Please register here: If you have any questions please contact Leigh McCathie on 476 8707

Onslow College Book Fair

Onslow College is holding their annual Book Fair on 5th/6th September. 

See the attachment below for further details.

School Holiday Writing and Art Camps

It's been a tough year for everybody. Due to Covid-19 we've had to cancel all our popular school holiday writing and art camps. But we're back!

"Write like an Author" is an internationally acclaimed writing course that teaches young writers the skills and techniques that professional authors use to create their stories. During the camp, each participant will develop and write an original creative story under the guidance of well-known author and writing coach Maria Gill.

"Draw Like an Artist" is our concurrent illustration course that teaches young artists the skills and techniques that professional illustrators use. The presenter is Fifi Colston.

Their websites are and

The camps will be held at Raroa Intermediate during the school holidays, starting on Tuesday, 29 September, and running until Thursday, 1 October, 2020.

The writing camp is ideal for young people who have a dream of becoming a published author or anyone who wants to improve their writing skills. The art camp offers the same opportunity to young artists.

The camps are non-residential, and run from 9am to 4pm each day. The number of places on the camp is strictly limited. A flyer about the camp is attached.

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