Monday 27th November: Wellington Zoo day trip (all students)
Wednesday 29th November: walk and picnic to Churton Park Reserve
Thursday 30th November: overnight camp at school
Friday 1st December: shared breakfast for children who stayed overnight. The children who do not stay overnight can arrive back at school from 8:30am.
Ngā ākonga will need to arrive at school no later than 8:30am as the bus departs at 9:00am. They will return to kura (school) by 3pm.
All ākonga will leave kura at 9:30am, walk to Churton Park Reserve, participate in some fun games, before heading back to kura for lunch around 1pm.
An overnight camp at school for those that have chosen this option. Those students staying over will return to school at 5pm (in non-uniform) with their overnight gear. We will have a shared dinner together and then sleep overnight in the Hub.
Friday 1st December:
For the students who have stayed over, we will have a shared breakfast and get ready for the day. The children who do not stay overnight can arrive back at school from 8:30am. All children can wear non-uniform for the day.
The cost for the day trip to the zoo is $16.50. This includes the bus, entry to the zoo and the workshop.
The cost for those staying overnight is $15 (a total of $31.50 which includes the day trip and overnight stay). This includes dinner on Thursday and breakfast, morning tea and lunch on Friday.
Invoices for the cost of this camp will be added to your account in the online shop and payment will need to be made by Friday 24th November.