Amesbury Notices - 1 March 2021

By: John Murrihy | Posted Sunday February 28, 2021

What's on?

  • Movin' March begins - Monday 1 March
  • Electives begin - Monday 1 March (for 5 weeks)
  • Parent Information Session - Postponed
  • Kapa Haka begins - Wednesday 3 March
  • Board of Trustees Meeting - 5.30pm Wednesday 3 March

Alert Level 2

As we are now in Alert Level 2 here is an article to remind us how the school will operate differently this week.

Parent Information Session Postponed

Unfortunately, due to our move to Alert Level 2, the Parent Information Session has once again been postponed. We will advise when a further new date has been determined.

Chromebook Home Agreement 

For Harakeke & Pōhutukawa Caregivers only

Just a reminder, if you haven't already done so, can you please complete the Chromebook Home Agreement so that we are prepared in advance should the school need to move to distance learning. Thank you.

Completing it now - in advance of any sudden move to distance learning - will help us to prevent needing to ask parents to come back into school to collect devices. Only the children who we have consent for will be able to take their devices home with them. For other students, we will need to go through the consent and pick up process after the move in alert levels, which can take time and be tricky at a stressful time. 

Linc-Ed Hero

Just a further reminder that we have moved to Linc-Ed Hero as our Student Management System, replacing ALF.

In addition to using it for learning progress, reporting and goal setting, it will be used to mark attendance, store all emergency contact information, communicate with parents and students, and show and report on learning evidence and progress.

For further information please read this article, which also takes you through the steps to sign up if you haven't already done so.

When we finally get to hold the Parent Information Session, information around Hero will be provided, but, in the meantime we want you all to sign up as outlined above.

Movin' March

Movin' March begins on Monday and  operates until the end of the month.

All students are encouraged to get involved, both for health and the opportunity to win prizes. Please read the article and get movin'.

Kaitiaki (guardianship) roles at Amesbury School

This is an exciting new opportunity for our Pōhutukawa students to have the opportunity to be guardians of different aspects around our school.

As they go through the year, our students will build their leadership capabilities, which will be reflected in their Journey of Growth and Development (social and emotional learning matrix that can be accessed on their Hero profile). It is the framework we have developed around our High Five values of Connectedness, Capability, Confidence, Continuous Learning and Contribution. This is our social and emotional learning curriculum at Amesbury School. 

For all the details please read the Kaitiaki (guardianship) article.

Monitoring Digital Activity at Amesbury School

Lisa has put together an article which outlines how we, at Amesbury School, monitor and keep safe your child/ren - our students, whenever they access the web and use various ICT devices.

Please read the Monitoring Digital Activity article and if you have any follow up questions please contact Lisa, or tour child/ren's whānau teacher.

Workworking Materials

We are in the process of setting up our woodwork tables. We now have two woodwork tables - one set up outside Koru and one set up outside Harakeke. We have a range of tools ready to go. 

However, we do not have anything for students to use these tools on. We would appreciate wood offcuts, bottle caps, lids (both plastic and metal) and anything else that you think may be useful for 'wood creations'. 

Please drop them off at the office or bring them to Demelza in the Principals' office. Thanks.


Angela is taking choir on Mondays at lunchtime in Kowhai.

If your child is interested, please remind them to go along and join in. Angela would love to have them.

Community Notices

Football - NWJFC

If you are looking for a local club to play football for this season, see the info below:

Image by: John Murrihy

Wellington Lego Show

Lower Hutt will be hosting Wellington’s only Lego show on the 13th &
14th March at the Lower Hutt Events Centre. 

This will be a large event with over 70 Lego displays. There also will be interactive activities
for everyone to enjoy.

Image by: John Murrihy

Northern United Junior Hockey Club

While we advertised this last week, the Club has now provided the dates for the 3 free "Have a go" Hockey Dates.

See below for details.

Regional Influenza Study

Regional Public Health is conducting an influenza study.

The purpose of the study is to investigate influenza transmission within the household setting and find out what factors make occupants more at risk or conversely what prevents some individuals from developing the flu. In addition there are several personal benefits arising out of being a participant in the study.

As an adjunct to the study they are also looking for pregnant women living in the Wellington region who may be interested in joining the study. This study is interested in looking at how an infant’s immunity is developed from their first experience of the flu and how this imprints on their immune system.

Further detailed information, including contact details, is attached below.

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