Amesbury Notices - 23 October 2023

By: John Murrihy | Posted Sunday October 22, 2023

What's on this week?

  • Labour Day - School Closed - Monday 23 October
  • Senior Athletics (Y3-6), Nairnville Park - Tuesday 24 October
  • Co-curricular lessons - Wednesday 25 & Friday 27 October

Annual Athletics Days - Tuesday 24 October

Coming up soon:

  • Senior Athletics Day (Y3-6) @ Nairnville Park, Khandallah on Tuesday 24 October
  • Junior Athletics Day (Y0-2) @ Amesbury on Tuesday 31 October

Please note the new venue for the Senior Athletics Day which provides us with the opportunity to have more events.

For all of the details please read Eilís' notice.

As always if you are available to help out on the day, please email Eilís

Year 0-2 End of Year Camp 2023

What are the plans for this year's end of year camp?

Read all about it for yourself right here. It lets you know hat happening and when. Also included is a request for parent volunteers to help out - not only ensure that all of our tamariki remain safe but that they maximize the enjoyment of the experience.

Cultural Festival

The cultural festival is taking place on Friday 10 November to coincide with the official opening of our new building and the Book Fair. Everyone is invited and encouraged to come along and participate in the experience.

For all of the details as to what is actually happening and when please consult Gina's Cultural Festival article.

Annual Book Fair in Term 4, Week 5 - Volunteers Needed

Our Annual Book Fair is taking place in Term 4, and also coincide with our Cultural Festival, which enables extended hours giving everyone a more relaxing opportunity to browse though the vast selection of books.

In her Book Fair information article, Kirat has provided details on what is happening together with all the operating times times. Of course, to ensure that everything runs smoothly, she is looking for volunteers to assist. No special abilities required, simply a willingness to give up some of you time. If you can help please email Kirat ( and let her know.

Churton Park Poetry Competition 2023

The second Annual Churton Park Community Poetry Competition will be held this term with entries closing on Monday 6 November followed by the celebration event with placegetters announced on Friday 17 November.

So if you are a creative writer or simply want to have a go then read all the details here and complete the registration form contained within.

Kelly Club

This coming week at Kelly Club we have planned a wonderful competitions week! We will be doing all things competitive, such as relays, capture the flag, coloring competition and even a talent show! We have so many exciting things planned, and we can't wait for all the fun to start. We hope to see you all there!

To book, please click the link:

Image by: John Murrihy

Kelly Sports - Term 4 - Cancelled

The Kelly Sports session planned for Tuesday afternoons this term has been cancelled due to insufficient enrolments.

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