Please remember this coming weekend is Queen's Birthday. School is CLOSED on Monday 4th and back in business on Tuesday 5th June.
Ski camp: registrations are due in TODAY, 30 May. We have 6 places remaining. See this article here for further information.
Late arrival to School: We are noticing an increase in the number of students arriving after 9am. We would encourage you drop your children to school by 8.50am to give them time to sign in and pack their bag and shoes away. Late arrival complicates our process for taking the roll each morning and it is a disruption for teachers and students who have already started their learning. We would appreciate you doing your best to have your children arrive at school before the bell rings.
Spare clothing: A friendly reminder to return any spare clothing that the school office has loaned to your child. Please pack spare clothing (particularly for Te Rito students or outdoor active kids likely to get wet or muddy).
Also, we would be grateful for any donations of girls black leggings size 4-6.
Lunchtime Clubs: did you know that we have clubs on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday? See them here. Please chat with your kids to see if they are interested in joining a club!
Kapa Haka practice is now in full swing on Wednesday mornings with a whole school practice. Check out the attached photo!
Watch out for the Scholastic Book Club brochures coming home on Friday. Please don't send money to school, please submit your order and pay online at Orders to be completed by Monday 11 June please.