Mid Year Reports
Mid Year Reports are now available. Please go to this link which shows you how to access the report comments and what they cover.
Module 2 Inquiry - Planet Earth and Beyond
If you want some detail on what your child(ren) has been focussing on in the current module Demelza has prepared an article.
After reading through it, you will have some talking points that you can raise with your child(ren), plus, of course you can see what they have uploaded as evidence of their own work.
Co-curricular Lessons - Term 3
We are looking for additional students who are interested in taking Amesbury's co-curricular lessons in Term 3. If you want to know a little more please read this article and have a look at our Co-curricular webpage.
Term 3 lessons commence in the first week back at school so please contact John (communications@amesbury.school.nz) with any inquiries or to sign up.
For those alraedy involved in the programme, you need do nothing at this stage as you will be receiving an email directly and your places will be guaranteed.
Amesbury's Got Talent
The final of Amesbury's Got Talent was held last Friday evening in the hall.
There was an enthusiastic audience who appreciated the quality of talent on offer and what a range of different talents there was to see ranging from singing, musical instruments, dance and poetry.
Speaking to a number of parents afterwards, none of them argued with the judges' final decision that Christopher was a deserved winner.
If you missed the show watch the short video and see the photos included in the Amesbury's Got Talent article.
Celebrating Matariki 2021
We celebrated Matariki at Amesbury on Monday.
We ran a wide range of Matariki-themed activities throughout the morning across the school in mixed groups, with older and younger students mixing together to explore different ways of celebrating and learning about Matariki.
As a bonus a yummy vegetable soup was prepared and enjoyed to complete the morning.
For more details on what happened please look here.
Disco - Rescheduled Date - Thursday 29 July
Due to the recent move to level 2 we, unfortunately, were unable to run our Disco this term. We have set a new date for the Disco which will now be held on Thursday 29th July. All of the details other than the date remain the same as originally planned.
If you have already purchased a ticket for your child(ren), we thank you, and if you are yet to do so, tickets will be available again on the school shop from next week.
Hindi lessons at Amesbury School in Term 3
Hindi lessons will be continuing on Thursdays after school next term.
For further information please read this article.
Community Notices
Free St Johns children's First Aid courses
Queen Margaret College Open Days 13 & 15 August
Rhythmic Gymnastics Club Open Day - Saturday 31 July
Come along and try out a class for free!
"The appeal of rhythmic gymnastics lies in the perfect unity of graceful body movements and the skilful handling of apparatus - hoops, balls, ropes, clubs and ribbons"
Write Like an Author - Holiday Writing Camp
Want to do something new and exciting during the school holidays? If you're passionate about writing or art then you have the opportunity to work alongside award-winning author Maria Gill and bestselling illustrator/writer Fifi Colston on our writing and art workshops at Raroa Intermediate in the first week of the school holidays.
The workshops run from Monday, July 12 to Wednesday, July 14 and are suitable for students aged 9 to 14 years old. Younger students can attend a junior class on Monday 12 July. In addition there is an advanced class for older students on Thursday 15th July.You will learn important skills, meet new friends, and have lots of fun with games and competitions. For more information go to www.writelikeanauthor.com or www.drawlikeanartist.com.