Please do consider whether you would like to contribute to your local community and school by standing for election to the Amesbury School Board of Trustees. We do have at least one Board member who will be standing down. Please be aware that at the moment the Triennial Elections seem a long way off, but with the holidays in April, the time to have nominations in will be here before you know it. Please start thinking quite seriously now about whether you are willing to stand.
If you would like to find out more, there are several opportunities to do so. The following meetings are being held:
Wednesday, 27th March, 7pm, Amesbury School Library – a panel made up of current Board members will be available to answer your questions and share their experiences
Tuesday, 2 April, 6pm, Crofton Downs School. This programme, Kōrari, organised by the New Zealand School Trustees Association is designed to share the experience of existing trustees with potential new trustees and help them find out what it really means to serve on a school board.
Also check out our Loomio thread where you can ask questions of our School Trustees.
Some dates to be aware of in relation to the Triennial Election:
Nominations close: 24 May 2019
Meet the Nominees session: 29 May 2019
Voting closes: Midday 7 June
Being a trustee is an important way to serve your community. Please give some serious thought to whether you might stand.