View your child's learning information on HERO

By: Urs Cunningham | Posted Thursday May 2, 2024

How to set up a Hero account

Click here for a set of easy to follow steps for setting up your own Hero account.

How to view your child's current learning levels and goals

On your HERO home page, by clicking on the picture of your child will be taken to their learning report for the current year. This view shows their learning 'dials' and levels for reading, writing and maths for the current school year, and the 'dials' for their social and emotional learning (called the 'Journey of Growth and Development')

The green dials show the current level of learning in each key learning area. A large white tick in the middle of a dial shows that your child has completed all goals for that year level. The green in each dial shows how many of the goals they have achieved in that year level, and the yellow shows how many goals have been clicked as current focus goals for your child at that level. Light grey shading shows the number of goals not yet achieved or clicked as a current area of focus. 

To see the individual learning goals at each year level, click on the year level label underneath the green dials. Click here to read more information about how to view goals and evidence of learning at each level.

Progress graphs on Hero

We have now enabled progress graphs to show on your child's learning report for reading, writing and maths. These graphs show your child's progress over time in these core learning areas, and they show how their learning is tracking against the year level standards. 

Please click here to read more about the progress graphs. 

How to view learning posts on Hero

Hero is our learning management system at Amesbury School. This is where you can find our local curriculum, in the form of the matrices (learning goals) we have at each year level in reading, writing, maths, and social and emotional development (our 'Journey of Growth and Development). 

In order to click goals as 'achieved' on Hero and thus turn them green on the large learning dials, teachers need to see evidence that a child has achieved that goal. This evidence may be in the form of written learning, tasks, or activities they complete. 

Learning posts on Hero are examples of a child's learning, and this becomes evidence against one or more goal/s on Hero. Once two or more pieces of evidence are tagged against a goal, teachers can click the goal as achieved. Parents and whānau can also see the learning posts as they are uploaded by teachers or students, and this is one way that you can see their progress and celebrate their learning. 

Please also note that some goals on Hero may be clicked as achieved without having viewable evidence on Hero. This will mean that teachers have seen evidence of this goal in other ways, such as during workshops / discussions / behaviours shown in class. 

Please click here to read more about learning posts on Hero. 

If you have any questions about your child's learning on Hero, please talk with your child's whānau teacher or email them with your questions. 

Ngā mihi, 

The Amesbury team

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