Our Share & Celebrate events are a time to acknowledge and celebrate ākonga (students) who have been noticed doing something great. This can be for anything from an act of kindness, to great efforts in learning or taking care of the environment. If you have fabulous things your have been doing outside of school that you would like to share and celebrate, please email the details to your child's whānau teacher.
We would also like to congratulate our amazing student leaders who planned and led the celebration - Adrik, Cassidy and Bella. You did a great job of presenting. Ka pai!
Ollie D: Thank you for being an amazing leader in inquiry last week. When doing a picture matching activity, your group finished quickly. You then saw another group were stuck and went over to explain what to do and help them. Ka pai Ollie for being a great leader!
Ethan L: During a wet play lunchtime, you tidied up an entire half of Kākāriki all by himself. You were not the only person responsible for the mess, but you went above and beyond to make the space look good ready for Block 3. Thank you for being so helpful, Ethan!
Ella H:Last week during a wet inside lunchtime, Sara noticed that when everyone was asked to tidy up karaka, you tidied up the whole space by yourself. Tino pai Ella!
Victoria C: You are always doing the right thing. You are a role model to the younger tamariki in literacy, always modelling the correct behaviour in handwriting, writing and reading. Tino pai Victoria, you should be very proud.
Aahana and Aayuk: You have been doing fabulous during writing time, using different sentence types and challenging yourself with vocabulary.
Ariana J: Ngā mihi Ariana for your help with finding pencils and then sharpening them for Amelia and Sarah’s whānau. You were so kind to jump in and help out with this. We have noticed that you are willing to help out and take initiative to do things that need to be done.
Annie L: You have settled really well into our hub and into our whānau the last couple weeks. You are always willing to work with anyone and ask questions when you need to. Keep up the amazing attitude!
Amyka and Ariya: You both have a goal you have been working on, and over last week and this week you have both achieved it. We are very impressed and proud of you both. The goal is a challenging one for you and you are showing resilience and strength in working to achieve it. Well done!
Milan: We are really proud of the effort you put into your learning and the care you take in keeping the hub tidy. We have also noticed how much more confident you're becoming in sharing your ideas in class—it's great to see your growth Ka Pai tō mahi, Milan. Keep up the amazing effort!
Leo B & Oscar L: You both have been working hard at practising your number knowledge and strategies. We love seeing both of you embracing challenges and taking the time to practise your learning. Keep it up—you're building amazing skills!
Kian S: We really admire how you look out for our new friends in Māwhero and help guide them with such kindness. It’s awesome how you remind everyone to do the right thing in such a gentle way. You're setting a great example for others.
Weylyn and Andy X: Well done for helping Yilin when she was stuck with the laptop (in Mandarin class). You worked out what the problem was, helped her get out of the slides and changed the volume from mute to unmute. This was done quietly and quickly, and with respect to Yilin. Some of your peers said well done to you for helping her.
Saanvi, Hayden L, Ryker, and Taylor: You have been working really hard in maths these last few weeks, practicing new strategies to work out subtraction or multiplication problems. It hasn’t always been easier but your perseverance is paying off. Keep up the great work.
Amaira: We have been really impressed with your attitude towards your learning in literacy. You are always ready for a challenge, you engage with your learning and ask and answer some great questions. Ka pai!
Well done to all of the people who have had their names drawn today for spot prizes for participating in Moving March.