Share and Celebrate Week 6

By: Jenny King | Posted Friday June 7, 2024

Our Share & Celebrate events began this year as a time for to acknowledge and celebrate ākonga who they have noticed doing something great. This can be for anything from an act of kindness, to great efforts in learning or taking care of the environment. Parents can also let kaiako know of anything fab that their child has done outside of school, and this can also be shared.

Here are the ākonga who were celebrated with a shout out this week:

James:Super work being a writing legend on your Chromebook! You kept your ideas in your head, wrote your sentences by yourself and worked out the keys and the full stop. Ka rawe, fabulous focus, James. 

Ella R and Emmy:Thank you girls for helping out some of your māwhero classmates during lunch time, making sure they could fit their bike helmet properly and clip it up and then being super encouraging and supportive as they were riding their bikes! We appreciate your kindness!!

Zayden:Earlier this term Zayden helped me to rescue three birds from inside kakariki at lunch. Zayden stayed calm and helped the birds to get out. Ka pai Zayden, thank you for your help!

Jorgito: Last week during PE, Jorgito helped me to carry the hockey sticks and balls to the courts without being asked! Thank you so much for your help Jorgito!

Alex J and Theia:When I was on duty Alex and Theia helped to put all of the bikes away when students left them out, and I didn’t even ask! Ka rawe!

AJ, Hassnain, Maia, Kate, Millie:These children did an amazing job as a Librarian. Last Wednesday was the first time they volunteered to be helpers in the Library and when lunch time was over the library was tidy and all the books and stationery were in place. Ka Rawe Year 4 Librarians.

Theo:I first met you when we joined your whānau group for tuakana-teina time. As we were getting settled, you noticed I was standing and didn’t have a seat to sit on. Without being asked you quickly found me a seat and motioned for me to sit down. I appreciate your kindness and your warm caring smile every time we meet.

Angela Y:I want to celebrate your ability to be a keen observer. You notice the big and little changes that occur within our school. From noticing an adult wearing a new pair of shoes to a younger student in need of someone to support then on the friendship bench, you have an eagle eye and tender heart when it comes to being able to notice all the happenings at Amesbury. Awesome observation.

Pranami:She is nearly on the last stage of completing level 7 - Hammerheads in swimming and she has been also selected as the Swimmer of the Week.

Ryan Y:Ryan helped the duty teacher (Angela) to translate when he saw some grandparents visiting the courts during school hours. He was friendly, kind and told the grandmother that he knew she was friends with his grandma. What a star!

Lubanzi:Lulu helped a fellow friend who was hurt. She tried to calm him down by holding his hand and asking him to, ‘breathe in and breathe out.’

Yehen: You stood in front of a crowd and sang for the first time during AGT. Ka Pai for being brave!

Evan:For trying really hard in reading groups. Evan added so many ‘wonderings’ on post it notes to his book that you could hardly see the novel any more.

Jayden A, Divan van Rheede, Caelyn:Jayden, Divan and Caelyn have been loving their novel (The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe) and have been working hard on their comprehension tasks. They and other students have had some brilliant debates lately about the novel.

 Anō te pai! Fantastic effort everyone. What great things we have to celebrate. Thanks for all of your mahi in all the different areas of the school. 

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