Kara Chameleon's Sun Smart UV Lab

By: John Murrihy | Posted Wednesday February 20, 2019

Well we found out through our experiments that the answer was an emphatic "Yes"!

After a quick intro from Martin it was off outside with our dosimeters to measure the level of UV in different situations:

  • outside in the open
  • in the shade
  • with sunglasses on
  • with a shirt on
  • with sunscreen on

Having gathered our data we headed inside to print out and analyse the results.

Our conclusion? Even though it was cloudy outside in the open the readings were still in the "very high" range much to the surprise of many.

Fortunately, the other scenarios showed very good protection except for the sunscreen which was a mixed bag of results proving to us that we need to apply sunscreen properly and even then there will be gaps for the UV rays to get through.

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