Share and Celebrate Week 4

By: Urs Cunningham | Posted Thursday May 23, 2024

Our Share & Celebrate events began this year as a time for to acknowledge and celebrate ākonga who they have noticed doing something great. This can be for anything from an act of kindness, to great efforts in learning or taking care of the environment. Parents can also let kaiako know of anything fab that their child has done outside of school, and this can also be shared.

Here are the ākonga who were celebrated with a shout out this week:

  • All of the fab runners who ran in Northern Zone Cross Country:

Aahana, Angela Y, Anna H, Annabel, Annie O, Arthur Y, Basti, Emily, Ethan, Henry, Isla, Jack, Jade, Jayden L, John H, Johnson, Josh, Kyle, LJ, Laylah, Lina, Luca C, Maletā, Miesha, Millie, Ruby K, Ryan, Shenaya, Vedant

  • All of the amazing runners who ran in Junior Invitational Cross Country: Bailey, Aimee, Siena, Ariana, Alice, Nixon, Oliver C, Judah, Ryan, Callan, Talia, Keira T, Lydia, Madelyn, Leo, Ryker, Aarin, Xavier, Omar, Maeve, Evelyn, Aiah, Camila, Amaira, Izzy, Sid, Luke, Gilead, Hayden S

  • All of the fabulous competitors who took up the Tough Guy and Gal Challenge at Camp Wainui this week: 

Alice, Annie C, Ariana, Arthur Y, Azariah, Bailey P-W, Gabriella, George, Isabelle P, Jaden W, John H, Kyle, Miesha, Millie, Monty, Nixon, Rohan K, Shenaya, Shiloh, Victoria P, Victoria Y, Yamuna, Yiqi 

  • The amazing ākonga who competed in the regional chess tournaments this week: John, Yiqi, Hansen, Kyle, Andy X, Jaden W. In the Wellington Central Regionals our players were Andy, John, Kyle, Yiqi, & Hansen. The Amesbury School team won first place as a team (out of 7 teams), and qualified the Chess Power National Final team competition to be held in October. For the individuals, Andy won first place (gold medal), and qualified the Chess Power Champions Trophy competition to be held in October. John, Kyle, and Hansen all got 4th place. In the Hutt Valley Regionals our players were Andy, John, Kyle, Yiqi, & Jaden. This tournament is more competitive and our team still won second place  and qualified again the Chess Power National Final team competition. In the individuals John won third place (bronze medal) and qualified the Chess Power Champions Trophy competition. Andy got 4th place.

  • Zara S: At the end of the Playhouse Theatre show you were very brave and stood up in front of the whole school and thanked the actors on our behalf. Ka pai Zara, well done for representing our school so well.
  • Fatimah & Siena:  Last week we were making our own pukapuka (book) about emotions in te reo Māori. Thank you so much for helping Amaria to make 100 blank pukapuka for the ākonga (students) in Koru. This saved our kaiako (teachers) and ākonga time.
  • Azariah: Super work supporting a friend with his learning. You had finished your maths task and you then helped your friend to complete his. You helped him write the answers in his maths book, so that you could both finish your learning. What a helpful learning buddy. 
  • Basti: For being a good role model and setting a good example of how to behave for your younger buddy during the last share and celebrate.
  • Ryan Y: For showing manaakitanga (kindness and respect) in the playground. You noticed when someone was on their own and asked if they wanted to play with you and your friends. 
  • Isaac, Zachary and Weylyn: Isaac it was impressive how you took the opportunity to go to the library at lunch time to complete a classroom task. Zachary and Weylyn, it was great to see you in there as well being great friends, reading alongside your friend to keep him company during this time.
  • Sophia: You were such a focused learner using your Chromebook in literacy. You did some careful touch typing, and then you moved on to IXL, choosing a sensible place where you could focus on your task. When the battery looked a bit low, you carefully put it away to charge, so it was ready for next time. What a great role model you are for other ākonga (students) who are learning to use their Chromebook.
  • Maeve: Maeve supported a new friend who came for a school visit to write the letter c. Thank you for being helpful and kind towards our new friend!
  • Mikaeel and Ollie D: You have been going above and beyond in your learning in Literacy. You have been coming to workshops for groups you are not in, to do more learning. You have had positive attitudes and you are always trying your best. Ka pai, well done!
  • Queenie: You have been a phenomenal learner in maths. You are so focused and motivated. We have noticed that you are always on task and working hard and we are impressed with the maturity you are showing in your learning. Tino pai, Queenie!

We had a lot of fabulous ākonga to celebrate this week. Ka rawe, awesome work showing resilience, taking up challenges, being focused on your learning and being fabulously kind friends to others. You all help to make our kura (school) a nice place to be. 

Ngā mihi, 

the Amesbury team 

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