As part of this inquiry the students across the school have been divided into nine countries, with students from Year 1 through to Year 6 in each country. These country groups then worked together through the afternoons for three weeks. They began by creating their country, and they then worked through a range of tasks: creating a national anthem, a kakahu, a nation emblem and piece of identifying clothing, a chant, a set of values and a national event.
Our nine countries were:New Sancoolvania, Paradise Island, Te Akura, Savana, Legochairstan, Huncha I.O., Terrific Kiwi Kingdom, Swift Silver and New Cananan.
On the day of the Olympics the activities were made up of all of the events the countries created, from riddle solving and bucket filling through to 'Don't spit out your water!". The day was lots of fun, with countries gaining points based on the three Olympic values of Excellence, Respect and Friendship.
Our two runners up, both placed on 26 points, were New Cananan and Paradise Island. Our winning country, on a magnificent total of 29 points, was Huncha I.O.
Teachers have been really impressed by the leadership, collaboration and care shown by students towards their peers throughout this whole process, and we have heard kids humming their national anthems and chants during learning time. It has been a fun project and lots of fun was had by all on the day.
Here are some photos and mp3s of the country anthems for you to enjoy...