Amesbury Notices - 7 February 2022

By: John Murrihy | Posted Sunday February 6, 2022

What's on this week?

  • School Closed - Waitangi Day observed - Monday 7 February
  • Pedal Ready Begins - Tuesday 8 February
  • Volunteer Parent Meeting (Online) - Tuesday 8 February
  • Wednesday co-curricular lessons begin - Wednesday 9 February
  • Friday co-curricular lessons begin - Friday 11 February
  • Meet the Amesbury Team (Online) - 5-7pm Friday 11 February

Amesbury School Meet ‘n’ Greet 2022 - Online- 5-7pm Friday 11 February

We are holding an introductory session for parents and whānau of each hub this Friday (11 February). 

This session, to be held on line, will allow you to be introduced to all kaiako (teachers) in each hub, and also be introduced to some of the key routines, systems and communication processes the kaiako will be using.

Please read through the article, which provides all of the relevant details and also sets out the time each hub will be presenting.

A link to these sessions will be posted to all parents on Hero just before 5pm on Friday.

Pedal Ready Programme for Year 5 and 6

Our annual Pedal Ready begins for some tomorrow (Tuesday 8 February).

Please read through Kalesha's article, which provides some info on the programme and a link to when each ākonga (student) has their session or sessions.

Wellington Museum and Te Papa Trip

As a support to our inquiry topic this term, Living History - where we explore Aotearoa New Zealand’s history - we are hoping to visit the Wellington Museum and Te Papa in Week 4.

Onaitta has provided all of the proposed details of the trip here.

As always, with these trips, we need your assistance, particularly in the form of parent help, to ensure that we keep our tamariki (children) safe. If you are available, the contact information is also in the article.

Additional News Items:

  1. We celebrated the 10th Anniversary of Amesbury School on Friday - the in school version due to Red level. Read all about it!
  2. Having not had a mihi whakatau for such a long time due to covid, we also took the opportunity on Friday to have in school versions in each Hub. See what you missed!
  3. Exciting progress is being made on the construction of the new Hub. Interested? See here! 

Co-curricular Lessons

Co-curricular lessons begin this week for any last minute sign ups.

All students who are continuing with their co-curricular lessons this term have already secured their places by paying their invoices. Particularly with last year's Year 6s having left we have spaces available in all of our lessons, although some are limited and we have a first come - first served policy.

If you know nothing about the lessons please read the Co-curricular Lessons article and also our webpage. Please email John ( if you have any questions or you wish to sign your child up. It really is as easy as that.

Student Details Changed?

Over the course of a year or even within months of a student enrolling, information and contact details can change. 

Please help us ensure that we always have the most current information (contact numbers, addresses, emergency contacts, medical conditions) for your child/children. You're welcome to email updates through to Rachel:


If you're missing a size 8 fleece (since last year), please check the labels on the two photos attached to the bottom of these notices.

Amesbury Kelly Club

If you need help with your children before or after school, Kelly Club has you covered. 

Even when working from home, we know it can be impossible to get anything done. Kelly Club has been there to support you and our community for a number of years and they remain committed to helping us all through this next phase. 

The Kelly Club team can't wait to see all your children in the next few weeks and as always, welcome new-comers. Please make sure to book online or if you have any questions please send an email or give a call to Sakara 021 133 2891 or

The friendly Kelly Club team look forward to seeing you and your children.

                                                Kelly Club plan for the term

Image by: John Murrihy

Back to School Sports - Term 1 (Yrs 0-4) - Fridays 3.05-4.05pm

Kelly Sports is back in Term 1 with their Fun and Exciting Classes. Starting Friday 18 February 2022 for 8 weeks.

This term we will focus on the following sports: Rippa Rugby, Handball, Dodgeball and T-Ball!

We aim to develop and enhance skills; Catching, Kicking, Throwing, Improve strength, Flexibility, Hand/Eye Coordination and Spatial awareness.

This weekly programme encourages children’s enthusiasm for sport and the life skills that such involvement brings – giving them confidence to join sports clubs and teams in the future.

It’s a great way to try new sports, learn new skills and improve ability!

For full details and to enrol into our programmes visit email or call 04 972 7201   

Community Notices

Churton Park Community Centre Newsletter

If you haven't already come across it please check out the latest Churton Park Community Centre Newsletter to see what's happening in Churton Park.

Leaping Lizards School of Dance

Leaping Lizards School of Dance is held in the Amesbury School Hall offering jazz, hip-hop, contemporary, ballet, tap, and pre-school classes and focused on fun and inclusivity for 2 year old to teens.

Image by: John Murrihy

KAT Theatre Annual "Play in the Park"

Image by: John Murrihy

Seeking Kaiarahi (leaders) for Johnsonville Scout Group

The Johnsonville Scout Group is looking for leaders for their scouts, cubs & keas. If you think that that may interest you please follow this link for more information.

If you have further questions or you wish to sign up please contact the scout group at

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