Ministry of Education photo shoot at Amesbury School

By: Urs Cunningham | Posted Thursday October 21, 2021

On Tuesday (26 October) there will be a photographer, accompanied by a director of photography, onsite at Amesbury School. This was the photo shoot that was originally organised to happen several times earlier this year, but was postponed due to poor weather and lockdown. The photography team will spend time in all learning hubs taking photographs of the different learning activities and activities they see around the school. The purpose of the photo shoot is to create a bank of photos that can be used for Ministry of Education promotional material, which includes curriculum and learning documents, and MOE social media accounts and websites. Please note that if the weather is poor on the day, the team will postpone again, as they are looking to take some photos outside and well as inside. We have a postponement date of Wednesday 27th October, if weather, Covid-19 and other unforeseen events allow!

Most documents and promotional material produced by the Ministry of Education (MOE) contain photographs of various learning situations. Periodically the Ministry of Education will spend time in a number of schools collecting images that can be added to a bank of learning photographs. Any shots used to create the photo bank will only be used by the Ministry for MOE sites or promotional material - pictures will not be included for any use outside of the Ministry of Education.

We will require a consent form for any students or staff who appear in photographs used by the MOE. The process for this will be to obtain consent from all Amesbury staff prior to the photo shoot. For student consent, the photographer will take a large number of photos during the photo shoot. From this set of photographs, they will select approximately 50 pictures to be used in the MOE Photograph bank. All other pictures taken will be permanently deleted. An Amesbury staff member will then identify all students in the bank of photos selected, and parents of all students in the selected photos will be sent a consent form. If consent is given, the photograph will be added to the MOE photograph bank. If consent is not given for a student in a photograph, the photograph will not be used. No names will accompany any photographs.

If you have any questions about this event, or you do not wish your child to be present in a learning space where photographs are being taken, please contact me ( or your child’s whānau teacher by the end of Monday 25th October.

Warm regards,

Urs Cunningham

Image Gallery