School Notices - 5 August 2019

By: John Murrihy | Posted Monday August 5, 2019

What's on?

  • Mihi Whakatau - Monday 5 August  2.30pm
  • New Entrant Parent Session Monday 5 August 3.30pm
  • School photos - Tuesday 6 & Thursday 8 August
  • 4-year-old Programme starts - Tuesday 6 August
  • New Zealand Book Awards - Wednesday 7 August

Bags wanted

This, unfortunately, is not a very environmentally-friendly request but we are in need of some waterproof bags that we can put kids' clothes in to take home when they get wet (the clothes not the kids).

We are looking for a long term environmentally-friendly solution but in the meantime we need your help. So, if you have any such bags can you please drop them off to Rachel in the office. Much appreciated.

Lost Property

Just a reminder that any unnamed 'found property' is located at the office. 

Photo below shows what has been gathered and unclaimed since the beginning of term. It will be donated if not claimed so please take a few seconds to look at the photo.

Community Notices

Churton Park Community Centre Newsletter

If you haven't already come across it please check out the latest Churton Park Community Centre Newsletter to see what's happening in Churton Park.

A Marsden education for your daughter in Year 7, 2020

Key dates for enrolment at Marsden School in 2020:

Open Mornings (tour the school, ask questions and find out about Marsden’s Visible Wellbeing approach and their programmes): 16 August 2019, 25 October 2019, 8.45am-12pm.

Personal tours/a day in class for your daughter: at a time that suits you, please call Enrolment Registrar Sonia Stinson on 476 8707 to organise.

Enrolment for 2020 – places are filling now, apply to enrol at

Scouts New Zealand

Are you interested in being a scout? See the information below.

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