29 March - 10 April

By: Amesbury School | Posted Monday April 10, 2017

Next school-wide events

Student Conferences - This week

Term 1 Learning Celebration - Thursday 13th April at 1:45pm

Swimming Sports: Keith Spry Pool 11am-2pm

  • Year 1-3 Thursday 4th May
  • Year 4-6 Thursday 11th May

Full Evacuation and Pick up Drill - Friday 5th May

Cross Country - Tuesday 9th May. Starting just after 11am (after morning tea) and will run until approximately 12:45pm.

Noho Marae Trip - 15th/16th May and 16th/17th May

Group 1: Monday 15 May - Tuesday 16 May. This consists of Lisa's, Natasha's, Hazel's, Mike's, Steph's and Jee's whanau groups.

Group 2: Tuesday 16 May - Wednesday 17 May. This group consists of Demelza's, Georgia's, Anna's, Derek's, Gemma's and Gem's whanau groups.

Powhiri - to welcome new students, families and teachers to Amesbury - Monday 22nd May 2.30pm

School Calendar

Community Notices

Community Notices - 2nd hand uniform for sale, events, school holiday programmes, kids term-based activities and community advertising...

School Notices 

Music and Drama Lessons -  Enrolments are now open for Term 2. 

Classes are subject to availability, class minimums and maximums apply, and enrolment will be first come first served.  Classes are 30 minutes long and run on Wednesdays and Fridays for 8 weeks each term. 

Classes and costs are outlined in the enrolment form here. We will invoice you for the lessons we are able to offer your child.  Any classes missed during the term will not be made up, unless the lesson itself does not go ahead. Individual lessons that are missed will be re-scheduled to the best of the school's ability.

You can find out information about our Term 2 teachers here.

School Choir - if your child is interested in joining the choir, the group meets on Wednesday lunchtimes in Koru Hub

Wet and Muddy students - It's that time of year again!  

We have a very limited range of clothes available for children to borrow in cases of emergency, so if you know your child enjoys outdoor play, and wouldn't want to stay in wet/muddy clothes - it might be worth having an extra backup set in their school bag.

If your child has come home in our 'emergency' clothing, can you please wash and return these items to the office as soon as possible.  Many thanks.

  • Last day of Term 1 - Thursday 13th April
  • Term 2: 01 May - 07 July 2017
  • Term 3: 24 July - 29 Sept 2017
  • Term 4: 16 Oct - 14 Dec 2017


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