Student Details Check

By: Amesbury Office | Posted Tuesday March 15, 2016

We will soon be emailing all school families with a copy of their child(ren)'s student record sheet.  It is important that the details shown on the sheet are checked for accuracy, as this information would be used in the event of an emergency.

When you receive the sheet, please take the time to ensure that:

  • All telephone numbers and address details are valid
  • We have a minimum of one emergency contact (other than a parent) who would be able to collect your child/ren from school in an emergency.  This should be someone local to school, who could get here quickly if the need arises.  In the event of a civil emergency or evacuation situation, we are only able to release students to a person named on their file as a contact. We can hold up to 10 contacts per child on our system, so it's worth adding a neighbour or a family friend who you would permit to collect your child on your behalf
  • Any medical conditions are up to date (information provided at the time on enrolment, may not now be valid)
  • You notify us of any changes as soon as possible so that we can update our records.  You can do this by amending the form and returning to us, or by emailing with changes to be made.

It is not necessary to reply to us if all details are correct - it will help speed up the process if we only receive communication on changes.

Many thanks

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