Harakeke storms the Abel Tasman.

By: Urs Cunningham | Posted Tuesday September 22, 2015

We walked a  beautiful 12 km stretch of the park, hitting several lovely bays along the way. Amazing views, blue sparkling water and great weather all helped to make it a great tramp, though we have a few sore feet now. 

Lunch was had in a beautiful bay overlooking clear blue water and great rock formations. A trip in a water taxi on the way home was a highlight for some, along with a quick tour of Split Apple Rock on the way. 

Fish, noodles and jelly helped to fill us up when we got back, followed by several rounds of spotlight. We now know that Kyle is, indeed, a spotlight ninja master.  Very little giggling and rustling in the cabins tonight; some very tired people!

Tomorrow is the first of our rotation days, with archery, slug guns and abseiling are some of the activities. We'll keep you all posted on how it goes and who is a crack shot with a slug gun. 

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